The Importance of Color Vision Differences in Jobs
By Rob Kittinger, PH.D.
Many jobs involve successfully completing critical job tasks where the employee is required to have the ability to use tric...
How to Help Children with Color Vision Deficiencies
Guest Authored by: Ekaterina Vargataia of ColorWillMy child is colorblind what should I do?This is the first question that most parents have when t...
Dr. Dvorine's Criticism of the HRR: A Letter to the Inter-Society Subcommittee on Color Blindness
Around 1955, Dr. Israel Dvorine wrote a letter to the Inter-Society Subcommittee on Color Blindness in regards to accepting the American Optical Ha...
The Evolution of Color Vision Testing (Ishihara, HRR, Dvorine, and more)
The Evolution of Color Vision Testing
German researcher Jakob Stilling, developed "Stilling's Colour Table" in 1877, the first color vision test ba...
How Eye Exams for Seniors Can Preserve Your Health and Safety
You can’t avoid all vision changes, but it is important for seniors to be aware of risk factors, warning signs, and how they can care for their eyes. Getting regular vision checks is the best way to stay on top of these concerns and address how vision impacts your safety and overall health. According to US News, adults over 65 should get eye exams every one to two years even if they don’t have symptoms.
Military service jobs that require normal color vision
For any of your patients interested in military service, but are color deficient or not correctable to 20/20, I have posted a "simplified" Navy, Co...
Eye Injury from Tarantula
Author: Dr. Terrace L. Waggoner Sr.
This is an old case. I saw the patient 20 plus years ago. I would like to review it, because at the time, I was...